A rare and impressive Gandhara-figure 'Fasting Buddha'
Lot-No. 2
Proceeds : 23.500 €
Gandhara-region/Pakistan, 3rd/4th cent. Grey schist. Exquisitely carved bust of the fasting Siddharta before acchieving enlightment and becoming the historical buddha Shakyamuni. His head with eyes closed in meditation before fragments of his halo. Chest and arms haggered, unseathing ribs and vessels. The shoulders covered by a slender cloth. At the bottom mounted to a wooden base. H. 53 cm. Expertise enclosed. - The life-size measurements and the extrardinary quality of the piece suggest that it once was part of an overwhelming statue. Herefore compare a figure from the Cetral Museum Lahore in Pakistan (Lit.: Masterpieces of the Lahore Museum, Lahore 2006, p. 125.).
A rare and impressive Gandhara-figure 'Fasting Buddha'
A rare and impressive Gandhara-figure 'Fasting Buddha'
Lot-No. 2
Proceeds : 23.500 €
Gandhara-region/Pakistan, 3rd/4th cent. Grey schist. Exquisitely carved bust of the fasting Siddharta before acchieving enlightment and becoming the historical buddha Shakyamuni. His head with eyes closed in meditation before fragments of his halo. Chest and arms haggered, unseathing ribs and vessels. The shoulders covered by a slender cloth. At the bottom mounted to a wooden base. H. 53 cm. Expertise enclosed. - The life-size measurements and the extrardinary quality of the piece suggest that it once was part of an overwhelming statue. Herefore compare a figure from the Cetral Museum Lahore in Pakistan (Lit.: Masterpieces of the Lahore Museum, Lahore 2006, p. 125.).